Thoughts on educational technology (Portfolio assignment 1)

Last year, when I first started thinking about educational technology as a minor subject, I did not really know what it would be about. When someone suggested I could take educational technology as my minor, the term itself sounded very distant to me. I remember thinking that educational technology would be something un-understandable science stuff, something that I couldn’t handle.

I’m really delighted to see how completely wrong I was. So far, the lectures have been interesting, informative and not boring at all! Of course I am a little bit confused when we have to use lots of new sites and learning environments but I have noticed I can learn to use them by time.

The term ‘educational technology’ has started to take shape in my mind. I think major part of this subject is to learn how we can support learning and education with technology. I hope the next lectures and tasks will help me understand educational technology even better.

Also, during these studies I would like to improve my English skills and meet nice people! It’s very nice that we have so international group with people from all over the world. I think we all can learn so much when we collaborate with each other and hear different aspects and perspectives on things.

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